Debate begins on the decriminalization of abortion in the Senate


For the Plenary Meeting of the Committees on Health, Justice and Criminal Affairs, and Constitutional Affairs, will be about 60 speeches by specialists (lawyers, doctors, psychologists, former public servants) divided into seven hearings will be developed on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, to arrive at the signing of the notice on August 1, according to the schedule.

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"id =" 2725421-Libre-1980282431_embed "/>

FPV Senators Support the Decriminalization of Abortion

Between this Tuesday and Wednesday will present some figures such as the radical historical leaders Ricardo Gil Lavedra and María Luisa Storani, both in favor of the initiative.The list of exhibitors has been prepared by the presidents of the three isiones, Mario Fiad (Health), Pedro Guastavino (Justice and Criminal Matters) and Dalmacio Mera (Constitutional Affairs), based on the preferences of senators (each could suggest up to two exhibitors)

Tuesday, July 24, the Senate rec evra the current Minister of Health, Adolfo Rubinstein, and the former minister of this portfolio, Ginés González García.

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