Declare State of Emergency in Putumayo Province | Trade | Peru | Loreto


By the promulgation of Supreme Decree No. 075-2018-PCM, the executive power declared the state of emergency in the province of Loreto Putumayo, located on the border with Colombia, with the aim of "guaranteeing peace, public order and the normal development of the activities of the population".

According to the document, the measure will come into effect on July 16 and will be valid for 60 calendar days. The National Police (PNP) with the support of the Armed Forces will also maintain internal control in the area during this period

During the term of the rule, the constitutional rights regarding personal freedom and security, the inviolability of the home will be suspended. as well as freedom of assembly and transit within the zone.

The measure was approved by the President of the Republic, Martín Vizcarra; the President of the Council of Ministers, César Villanueva; the Minister of Defense, José Robles; the Minister of the Interior, Mauro Medina; and the Minister of Justice, Salvador Heresi.

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