Defensoría del Pueblo asks Concepción Carhuancho to grant Keiko Fujimori's appeal | The law


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In an official letter published on Tuesday, the mediator asked Judge Richard Concepción Carhuancho to "as soon as possible" the appeal lodged by Keiko Fujimori's defense against the magistrate's 36-month preventive prison sentence.

According to the text published by the institution itself, this request is made following the request for intervention formulated by the husband of Fujimori Higuchi, Mark Vito Villanela, in the process following the leader of Fuerza Popular.

SEE AS ​​WELL: Fujimoristas and apristas attend the IACHR for the "criminalization of politics"

"We believe that it is necessary that your office organize the actions that allow the superior to respond as quickly as possible to the appeal lodged by Ms. Keiko Fujimori Higuchi on November 6 of this year", is indicated in the document of November 26th.

In this spirit, the ombudsman's office considered that the magistrate's criteria for not filing the appeal until the conclusion of his decisions with the persons involved in this case do not correspond to respect for the freedom of the persons concerned.

As you recall, Vito Villanella sent a letter to the Ombudsman, Walter Gutiérrez, last Friday, warning the "serious assignments" in the process that follows his wife, who served 36 months of preventive detention.

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