Diana Sánchez experiences a marital crisis after an aggression scandal | Combat | Shows


Diana Sánchez experienced what it means to be in the eye of the storm when a local media claimed that the young woman had been handcuffed to the police station because she had assaulted her husband. Although Harold Cortez has supported her all the time when she went on TV to tell her the truth, the reality girl reveals that nothing is the same anymore.

It's been three months since Diana Sánchez married the Colombian Harold Cortez, the participant of 'Combate & # 39; admits that his romantic relationship goes through the worst moment.

YOU CAN SEE Diana Sánchez reappears on Instagram after the scandal of the fight of her husband [FOTO]

"The situation is quite complicated but we try," she told the newspaper El Popular

. Diana Sánchez assured that not only was her marriage affected. "It was a problem that affected not only the relationship, but also my personal life, my image. I have been on TV for a long time and I have never seen myself in such a thing. The only thing I try is to focus on positive things to get going. "

The reality girl said that they are still together, but now they are focusing more on the business that they have in common." We are now trying to focus on the most demanding in manpower. Why am I going to lie, it has affected me a lot, strong. This has affected me psychologically. "

When asked if the relationship was ending, Sánchez said," We are in a strange moment that I still can not define or put a tag on it. The situation to continue or not will depend on us. "

Finally, he said that they still have good relations with their family." Mine support me. As for Harold's family, everything is fine. They know what kind of person I am, "he concluded.

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