Disney to eliminate plastic straws from its parks around the world | Trade | Economy | Business


Disney plans to eliminate cañitas and plastic removers for single use in all its parks and locations worldwide – except for Disney Tokyo, which is operated by The Oriental Land Co. – from here to mid-2018.

The company said in a statement that this measure will reduce the use of more than 175 million straws and 13 million plastic strippers per year.

In addition, he informed that in the coming years, they will transition to reloadable services in the rooms of the hotels and cruises of Disney which will reduce the plastics in the rooms of 80 %.

He also said that they will reduce the number of plastic bags in their parks; while on your cruise line, they will offer the opportunity to buy reusable bags at a nominal price. In the meantime, they will eliminate polystyrene cups in their business globally.

The ad follows the steps to Starbucks, which this month reported that it will stop using plastic sorbets and replace them with hats, in the event cold drinks. Thus, they aim to eliminate more than 1,000 million plastic sherbets a year, in more than 28,000 coffees in the world.

In this line, McDonald's also announced that he was going to change his plastic sorbets for paper sorbets in the United Kingdom.

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