Do not drink water: DC prevents thousands of contamination risks


If you live in D.C., you may need to boil your water.

DC Water advises thousands of Northwestern and Northeastern residents to boil tap water before drinking or cooking it because of a problem that allowed contaminants to enter the water

published early Friday shows that an important part of the city is affected, starting north of K Street and New York Avenue and running the full width of the district from east to west.

Zoom into the interactive News4 map below to see if the home, workplace or daycare is affected.

The "boil water advisory" is in effect until further notice and is a precaution after a problem with the water system on Thursday night.

Even if you do not live in the area shown on the map, DC Water says you should boil your water if you do not have water or if the water pressure is low after 8:30 pm Thursday.

The D.C. Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management, Mayor Muriel Bowser and the Department of Fire D.C. warned residents of the problem via Twitter, and the city issued an alert through its AlertDC system.

The problem started because a valve was found open around 8:30 pm. Thursday at the pumping station on Bryant Street, east of Howard University. This resulted in a loss of pressure.

"A loss of pressure in the piping system allows contaminants to enter the water," said DC Water in a statement released Friday morning.

Information on why the valve was open was not available immediately.

A spokesman for DC Water told News4 Thursday night that the water had been re-established and the problem had ended.

"Our teams will continue to test samples of water, and we will raise the opinion when we determine that the water is safe," said the authority 's. water

Stay with News4 for more details on this developing story. [19659014] !! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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