Do you receive malicious calls? Osiptel explains how to act | Society


In addition to the spam phone by sales, there are many people who receive malicious or threatening calls. In these cases, the Agency for Supervision of Private Investments in Telecommunications (Osiptel) recommends following these steps for security.

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The first thing is to ask for a recording of the number which calls are received. This document must be delivered by telephone operators, who keep a recording of incoming calls.

The request must be made by the owner of the line through the channels that each company offers. The list of operators can be found on the Osiptel website. The full report can be accessed on this link:

With this registration, the user can choose to denounce the fact before the National Police of Peru (PNP). For this you can go to the nearest police unit, which has the obligation to take the complaint and perform the corresponding actions.

In a third step, the holder of the service "has the right to ask for the change of his telephone number", explains Osiptel. Another available security measure is to require that the number be removed from the telephone directory so that it can not be found by third parties or strangers.

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