Documentary reveals the strategies of the Minister of Health of Argentina to legalize the abortion


In the context of the debate on the abortion bill in Argentina, a recent documentary revealed the strategy of the Minister of Health, Adolfo Rubinstein, to achieve the decriminalization of this practice.

in the Chamber of Deputies on June 14 allows free abortion until the 14th week of gestation; and up to nine months of pregnancy under the causes of rape, life risk and maternal health and fetal infeasibility. In addition, it prohibits the objection of institutional conscience.

The documentary produced by Faro Films emphasizes that despite the supposed "neutrality" that it manifests in the debate on abortion, Rubinstein uses "false figures" on the number of women who abort. in Argentina and deaths due to abortion.

Thus, shortly after being appointed Minister of Health, Rubinstein said the figure was 500,000 abortions a year in Argentina. However, Rubinstein, exposed to the Chamber of Deputies, lowered the figure to 47,000 abortions a year.

Regarding maternal deaths due to abortion, the minister said that there are 245 in 2016, but figures from the Ministry of Health indicate In addition, the documentary notes that Rubinstein maintains a close relationship with the Guttmacher-Lancet commission dedicated to the promotion and financing of abortion at the international level.

Guttmacher-Lancet is linked to International Planned Parenthood, the world's largest multinational abortion company accused in 2015 of selling aborted baby organs.

In this sense, the documentary exposes the economic link of IPPF with different abortion organizations in Argentina, such as Casa FUSA, Catholics for the right. decide, Fundación Huésped and the Center for Studies of the State and Society (CEDES).

In addition, it is questioned that the abortion bill does not regulate the tino of the aborted baby remains. Finally, he insists that Rubinstein was appointed Minister of Health in November, a few months before the start of the abortion offensive. 19659002] With this, indicates, Argentina has assumed the presidency of the G-20 and in its agenda for "sustainable development" advocates "universal access to sexual and reproductive health services, including planning family, information and education and the integration of reproductive health into national strategies and programs. "

Producer Faro Films has also aired other audiovisual works that reveal the cruelty of abortion, such as" The "feminist" business "after the legalization of abortion" and "The trap of the Senate to legalize abortion. "

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