Donald Trump asks Vladimir Putin for the extradition of 12 Russians accused of Clinton's hacking | Trade | World


Donald Trump said that he "could" ask Vladimir Putin, at his meeting in Helsinki on Monday, to extradite the United States to the 12 Russian intelligence agents accused of piracy during the US presidential campaign in 2016. [19659002] In an interview with CBS, which will be published in full on Monday, the US president also sought to lower expectations on what can be achieved at the top with Putin.

When asked if he would press Russian President To extradite to the United States the agents accused of hacking the emails of Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton, Trump replied, "Well, I could do it."

"I had not thought of that, but I will surely Although it happened during the Obama administration, they were doing everything they did during the Obama administration" , he said.

or to Russia as an "enemy in some ways," he added that his Republican party had also been an object of Russian piracy, but had taken greater security measures to prevent it.

"I think the DNC should be" Meanwhile, National Security Advisor John Bolton said that after the indictments, Trump "can put this on the table and say" it's a serious business ".

Although Trump blamed the Democrats and the government of his predecessor Barack Obama after indicting 12 Russian agents on Friday, the US ambassador to Moscow, Jon Huntsman, said this Sunday "Russia is guilty of getting involved and affecting our choice. "

When addressing Fox News, Huntsman said that Trump "really hopes to sit down at the table to try to reduce the tension of a relationship in the blood pressure group is too high. "

The two presidents have been receptive to each other in the past, but the two countries are distanced not only by the investigation into the alleged Russian involvement in the election campaign, but by the question as Syria and Ukraine.

Although he indicated that his meeting with Putin could be the "simplest" step of a tour that also led to Brussels and the United Kingdom, Trump told CBS that he "low expectation"

"I believe in having meetings with Russia, China, North Korea." Trump also said in the interview that "the Russia is an enemy in some aspects, "while describing the European Union and China as" enemies ". "economic, which Washington has sanctioned with import tariffs."

Source: AFP

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