Donald Trump celebrates that North Korea has stopped its nuclear tests | Trade | World | News


The President of United States Donald Trump was "very happy" Monday on the progress of the talks with North Korea a month after its summit with Kim Jong-un and castigated "false news" media for reporting otherwise.

"No rocket was launched by North Korea Similarly, there are no nuclear tests, Japan is happy, all of East Asia is happy, "he tweeted Donald Trump

" But the false news says, without ever asking me anonymous sources), that I'm angry because it's not going fast enough, badly, I am very happy! ", added the president on the evolution of relations with North Korea .

Donald Trump seemed to refer to an article published Sunday in the Washington Post, which North Korea despite his public statements noting the success of the talks.

The article quotes, without identifying them, the staff of President White House, State Department officials and diplomats.

Donald Trump launched a series of tweets against the Post Monday, saying that the newspaper, owned by Amazon founder and CEO Jeff Bezos, "In my opinion, the Washington Post is not nothing more than an expensive lobbyist (the newspaper loses a fortune) in favor of Amazon, "said Donald Trump . ] The President of [1945900] 4] The United States accused Amazon, the e-commerce giant, of not paying the taxes it owed and causing the ruin of retail businesses.

In a joint statement after the Donald Trump historic summit in Singapore on June 12, the North Korean leader "reaffirmed his commitment" to work towards the "denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula".

But the details of the process, including how and when the nuclear program will be dismantled North Korea have not yet been defined.

A month ago, the Donald Trump government insisted on "the urgency" of denuclearization and said it would begin "very quickly."

Source : AFP

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