Donald Trump denounces that "they spied illegally" his presidential campaign | United States | Trade | World | USA


The president of United States Donald Trump complained that "it seems more and more obvious" that he was "spying illegally" against his 2016 presidential campaign in favor of its political rivals

The reaction of Donald Trump came after the publication of the documents that justified the authorization to record the conversations of a former campaign advisor, Carter Page

Sunday, he argued that the investigation into the possibility that Russia has plotted with his campaign to win the election "This is an illegal fraud!"

The documents were part of the application for supervisory leave, filed in a court that deals with cases of death. ;spying . The court approved the follow-up of the communications of Page

The documents of the Court, in spite of the censorship of the sections, show that the FBI declared to the court that "collaborated and conspired with the Russian government" and that "the FBI considers that the page was targeted by the attempts of the Russian government to recruit him. "

Source: AP

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