Donald Trump: How did Russian intelligence agents hack Democratic Party emails? | Technology


In the final months of the 2016 US presidential campaign, tens of thousands of pages of e-mails from top Democratic Party leaders were hacked into a scandal that shocked the country.

with the presidential candidate of the time Hillary Clinton the episode was one of the reasons why the Conservative candidate Donald Trump led the way at the White House . The Deputy Attorney General indicted 12 Russian secret service agents for hacking these emails.

In a complaint filed in a 29-page document, the US judicial authorities defined how, according to their investigations, Russian agents accessed e-mails.

On March 19, 2016, one of the Russian agents sent a false message to Clinton's campaign director and party leader, John Podesta.

The message simulated a Google security alert. Podesta accessed a link to the document that led him to a fake Google website, where he included his data and password.

For months, hackers tried to access Clinton's campaign secrets, and data obtained via Podesta created email accounts simulating membership in the campaign team .

A similar device captured data from a National Democratic Directorate official, and then hackers installed spy programs hidden on 33 computers that recorded each key pressed.

Finally, in May of the same year (after nearly three months of hacking), the party saw that it had been invaded, although the hidden programs were only discovered. 39 in October of the same year.

Papers in the Sun

According to the documents, the hackers were waiting for the right moment to disclose the documents.

Eventually, on June 8, they launched a website, DCLeaks, where they published a ] first batch of emails .

Behind this website apparently appeared a group identified as Guccifer 2.0.

Between late June and early July, WikiLeaks contacted Guccifer 2-0 and asked for access to "everything they had against Hillary", to publish these emails before the party congress that would confirm his candidature, in July.

Finally, three days before the Convention, WikiLeaks disclosed thousands of e-mail messages, with revelations that led to the immediate resignation of the then president, Debie Wasserman

]. Months before the November elections, WikiLeaks has published no less than 50,000 Podesta messages.

The Consequence

According to Hillary Clinton, Her Electoral Defeat in 2016 Was the Result of Two Episodes

The First was, according to Clinton, the decision of FBI leader James Comey to reopen a week before elections, investigating her use of a private post office while she was secretary of state. The second episode, says Clinton, was the interference of Russia.

"I was on my way to a victory right up to Comey's letter of October 28th, and the Russian WikiLeaks created doubts in the minds of people leaning over me, who ended up scared. ", he said. Clinton in 2017.

The former presidential candidate claims to be convinced that there were contacts between Trump's campaign committee and Russia. Meanwhile, Trump believes that this idea is a "fiction" and that the investigation by the special prosecutor Robert Mueller is nothing more than a "witch hunt".

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