Donald Trump Uses Remedy to Expel Legal or Illegal Immigrants from the United States | Undocumented | United States | Video | World


In the United States, policies against immigrants continue to cause serious concern, as they are persecuted and captured with the intention of being deported by immigration authorities on the order of Donald Trump. However, his situation would become more complicated with the new government decision which opens the door to legal or illegal immigration deportations .

The new regulation raises serious concerns among legal immigrants who regularized their documents in North America because they are now part of the new list that includes those who have lost their rights of permanence or They are about to do it.

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As recalled, since the arrival of Trump at the White House It has been determined that undocumented migrants are a "threat to public and national security", which is why 11 million immigrants were targeted by the authorities . Although some have more than two decades and do not have a criminal record, they have not been saved.


Having remained for a year and a half in power, Donald Trump reinforced his fight against immigrants. It is the Office of Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) who reported the new policy of sending notices of appearance document which, once issued, published the expulsion process.

The arrival of the document implies that since July, Trump has left unprotected legal immigrants in the country, even those who have the green card which makes them legal residents.

If it is proved that "they do not have a good moral character", the immigration authorities have the power to expel people, which threatens anyone who has traveled to the United States in search of an opportunity.

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