Dozens have heard Amelia Earhart's radio asking for help after crashing in the Pacific: report


Dozens of people around the world heard Amelia Earhart and her navigator Freed Noonan asking for help after crashing into the Pacific Ocean and being stranded on an island distant, according to researchers

. TIGHAR) theorizes that Earhart and Noonan were able to use their two-way radio in the Lockheed Electra shot to send calls for help in their last days abandoned on the then-deserted island of Gardner, also known as Nikumaroro, reports The Washington Post. "We'll have to get out of here," Earhart could be heard saying at one point, according to the newspaper quoting TIGHAR. research. "We can not stay long here."

A woman from Toronto heard the pilot say, "We took some water. . . "

Earhart and Noonan could only use the radio for a few hours a night when the tide was low so as not to flood the engine when the plane landed on the island reef. Post published

Authorities asked the public for assistance in listening to the radio frequencies that Hordhart used during his trip after his disappearance on July 2, 1937 during a Papua New Guinea flight. Guinea at Howland Island while she was trying to become the first woman "

While most researchers heard nothing, some listeners scattered across North America heard calls for the help of Earnhardt, reports The Post, citing research by TIGHAR

. A Kentucky woman claimed to have heard the pilot say "call KHAQQ" before saying that she was "on or near the small island to a point close". . . According to The Post, the secular mystery continues to puzzle the scientific community, while some are convinced that Gardner Island is the last home of Earhart. she met her end on the atoll of Mili in the Marshall Islands.

As for the shipwreck theory, 13 human bones were found on Gardner Island three years after Earhart's disappearance, but the bones were subsequently lost

Ric Gillespie, the Director of TIGHAR, told the Post that the messages were sent for six days, evidence that Earhart and Noonan died as shipwrecked, rather than the US Navy's claim that they would have died after the crash of the plane. in the Pacific.

"These active periods against silent periods and the fact that the message changes on July 5 and begin to worry about water, and then constantly worries about water after this – there is a story re, "Gillespie told the Post.

Four bone sniffer dogs were recently brought to Nikumaroro as part of an expedition sponsored by TIGHAR and the National Geographic Society.

National Geographic reported on July 7 that the dogs had located the place where Earhart may have died.No bones, however, were found although plans were made to send soil samples from the place for DNA analysis in Germany.

Gillespie also told the post that he needs more data to support his …] Fox News & # 39; James Rogers contributed to this report.

Benjamin Brown is a journalist for Fox News, follow him on Twitter @bdbrown473.

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