Dredging began in Posorja, but there are claims | Economy | news


With an investment of $ 100 million, DP World Posorja started yesterday morning with the dredging of the new deep-water port access channel that will come into service in June 2019.

Jorge Velásquez, Director The company said the dredging will last 12 months and will have a depth of 16.5 m, a width of 175 m and a length of 21 nautical miles. In addition, it will produce 15 million cubic meters of sediment.

Part will be used for the filling of phase two of the port, while another part will be deposited in a pit designated by the Ministry of the Environment

. the deposit of these sediments is the motive of the claim of the May Fishing Association of Posorja, which has a fleet of 40 shrimp fishing boats that perform their tasks in front of Playas and Puná.

Your representative, Jorge Luis Baidal, assured that the dredging will remove the shrimp from his fishing area, located "a few steps" from the deposit.

He recalls that last year, DP World Posorja did a first two-month dredging which, according to him, caused the resource to disappear and the fleet was paralyzed, so they asked the government to extend their fishing area to 13 miles, but they only gave them kilometer 9 and for four months

. After another meeting, the ban was shortened by 15 days and the deadline was extended to one year to fish up to 9 km. However, Baidal assured that DP World Posorja had already done some work. dredging for 15 days and that resources disappear.

He said next week they will vote. They will request that their fishing area be extended up to 13 miles and that the validity period is not one year, but the same 50 years that the port concession will last.

In this regard, Velásquez indicated that the company complies with the environmental management plan provided for in the license issued by the department, although it did not exclude holding meetings with the authorities and pomaderos.

Meanwhile, Jorge Banchón, president of the parish council of Posorja, indicated that there are 10 years and there are studies that exclude an impact in the region. However, he said that the place should be visited with the authorities and representatives of DP World Posorja to verify the claims. (I)

Port of Posorja
Other works

The works of the road that connects Playas with the port of Posorja and the construction of the terminal They are with 37% advance, estimated yesterday the general manager of DP World Posorja.

Possible toll
It is designed to place a toll in the road that connects Playas to the port, only for the heavy traffic that arrives at the terminal that would not affect the community.

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