Earthquake in Indonesia: Mountaineers trapped on Lombok Island descend safely


The authorities of Indonesia announce that 689 mountaineers trapped in the Rianjani volcano on the island of Lombok, after the earthquake of magnitude 6.4 Last Sunday, they began to descend safely at the foot of the mountain.

Foreign Ministry sources added that most foreigners are already safe . The number of people trapped is still not accurate because the authorities have data from those who registered to climb but not how many went down.

The National Disaster Management Agency has listed it as 689 according to the access registers of 27 and 28 July, including carriers and guides. This register contains 637 foreigners, about half of whom are Thais and 29 are Spaniards.

Earthquake in Indonesia

The National Park of the Volcano Rinjan indicates on his Twitter account that the roads of Senaru and Timbanuh are cleared for the descent. The rescue teams of Indonesia also used two helicopters to assist in the evacuation of the victims of the earthquake .

The earthquake shook Lombok Sunday killed 16 people (one Malaysian and fifteen Indonesians), caused panic and caused avalanches and landslides in the volcano that was blocking the access roads.

One of the deaths is an Indonesian mountaineer who died in a landslide on the way up. Rinjani is an active volcano, the second highest in Indonesia, with 3.726 meters above sea level.

(With EFE information)

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