Earthquake in Indonesia | The first images of the destruction left by the earthquake in Indonesia Trade | World | News


A 1945 earthquake of magnitude 6.4 struck Sunday one of the islands that make up the archipelago of Indonesia said the United States Geological Survey (USGS).

At least three people died, 12 others were injured and dozens of buildings collapsed after the earthquake according to official sources.

The spokesman of the National Agency for Disaster Management, Sutopo Purwo Nugroho, He said in a statement that up to now, 43 aftershocks have been felt, the strongest of 5, 7 on the Richter scale, and the earthquake also affected the neighboring islands of Bali and Sumbawa.

earthquake occurred at 6:47 am local time (Saturday 22:47 GMT) at a depth of seven kilometers with epicenter on the island of Lombok, said the USGS.

Lombok is an island in the south-east of Indonesia very popular with tourists and distant 100 kilometers from Bali paradise and famous.

The epicenter of the telluric movement was located 50 kilometers northeast of the island's main city, Mataram.

Residents of North Lombok, a locality located near A 22 kilometers northeast of the epicenter, there was a sharp jolt for a few seconds

"It was very loud, suddenly I trembled vertically, everyone panicked and we all missed it. " Zulkifli

Then electricity in the city was cut off and people had a hard time leaving their home. And then, the aftershocks began

The archipelago of Indonesia composed of thousands of islands, lies in the area called the Pacific Ring of Fire because of its intense seismic activity .

Frequently hit by earthquakes, most of which are harmless, but this region follows in detail any seismic activity because of the risk of tsunami.

In 2004, a tsunami caused by a magnitude 9.3 earthquake off Sumatra, in the west of Indonesia killed 220,000 people in several countries with ribs in the area. 39, Indian Ocean, including 168,000 in Indonesia .

Source: AFP

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