Ecuador will request the return of the Unasur headquarters building to members


July 6, 2018, 00:35 Quito, Jul. 5 (PL) The President of Ecuador, Lenin Moreno, announced today that the national government will ask the member countries of the Union of South American Nations (Unasur) the return of the building used as headquarters of the regional body.

According to the representative in a conversation with the international media, half of the member countries of the entity have left the establishment, that is why he deems necessary to give it another destination.

"As this is an institution that does not work, it is absurd that a building that costs tens of millions of dollars is useless and we ask Unasur to return the building to give it a best destination, "he said. He stated that he did not oppose integration under any circumstances, but that in his opinion, in the case of the South American instance, this does not prevent the integration under any circumstances, but that in his opinion, in the case of the South American instance, did not work in practice.

"I really believe that we must defend the integration and Unasur were a good idea that, unfortunately, because of human failures, did not crystallize. "

The agency is based in Quito, in the center of the world and bears the name of its first general secretary., The late president of Argentina, Néstor Kirchner

Since the January 31, 2017, when former Colombian President Ernesto Samper has completed his extended term, he has no secretary general and currently the pro tempore chairmanship is occupied by Bolivia. Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Paraguay and Peru, announced last April their intention to dissociate themselves from the Union.

agp / scm

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