Ecuadorian President offers investors the fight against corruption and security • El Nuevo Diario


The President of Ecuador, Lenin Moreno, today offered "without a ceasefire" the fight against corruption, "legal certainty" and "numerous investment opportunities" for domestic and foreign entrepreneurs, especially Spanish. "On corruption, you can not pass or one, because when you pass one, all are gone, and that's what happened to the previous government," he said at a meeting informative with reference to its predecessor, the former president Rafael Correa (2007-2017)

The Ecuadorian leader, who ended today a two-day visit to Spain, aims to improve trade relations with from other countries, especially those with whom they are already intense, he said before businessmen and diplomats. Moreno offered the "loving" hand and "open arms" to entrepreneurs to invest with confidence in Ecuador, and spoke of the "facility" for Spaniards to share language and "affectivity".

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In turn, employers must be willing to comply with labor regulations, taxation and nature protection. He pointed out that there are "many investment opportunities", given the wealth of the subsoil (oil, gold, nickel), and highlighted the renewable energy development plans likely to interest Spanish companies

. Ecuador "exports" electricity and discussed the possibility of a transport network that would allow it to be routed to deficit countries such as Chile and northern Peru. On relations with the European Union, he expressed the hope that the request for exemption of Ecuadorian nationals for short stays in the Schengen area would be dealt with "in the medium term" and thanked Spain for its interest.

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Moreno, who delivered the conference "Saliendo del abismo" to the press Foro America of Europa, has was critical, once again, with Correa's management and policies, that he accused of wanting to "perpetuate" himself in power and accused of excessive public spending and the high level of corruption

"In Ecuador, he There was excessive permissiveness "with the entry and transit" with absolute freedom "of cocaine. From Colombia to finish in the United States, Europe and Australia, also denounced the Ecuadorian President. He added that he and the elected President of Colombia, Ivan Duque, are ready to work hand in hand to get rid of the terrible scourge of drug trafficking and narcoterrorism

Interesting: Lenin Moreno , man of jokes and music

"Unfortunately, in the previous government (Ecuadorian), in an extremely suspicious way, everything that served to control the borders was dismantled," said Moreno. On the contrary, he assured, now "we do not allow a single gram" of drugs to pass.

Regarding the judicial situation in Correa, the Ecuadorian President reiterated that his country's justice is independent, "unlike" that has already occurred before, and his predecessor is "right" to ask for Asylum in Belgium, although the Belgian authorities must grant it or not, he added. Correa, who lives in this European country, is being sued in Ecuador for the case of kidnapping an opponent in Colombia in 2012, and faces an international arrest warrant.

Unlike Correa, Moreno defined his way of governing as "progressive modernism", with preference for the most needy, deepening democracy and exercising power with transparency.

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