Edison Flores: "but Gareca still bets on Nolberto Solano"


July 20, 2018 4:30

Edison Flores Although he thinks that the coach Ricardo Gareca continues in the national team, he knows that he must have a "Plan B" and bet on Nolberto Solano as an alternative

"We do not know the decision that will take the" profe " Ricardo Gareca but the group and the whole country are waiting for it to stay, in any case it does not continue to be beautiful by Nolberto Solano, he was my coach at the Universitario.C & # 39; is an excellent contribution to the national team, he has always helped us and I hope he will continue to support us, "said flying talent.

Meanwhile, he knows that he has not made a good World Cup in Russia. "Unforgettable experiences at my first World Cup at my first qualifying, it was not as we would have liked, as our goal was to go to the next round, but this n & # 39; It was not like that … (…) I think my World Cup performance was not ideal or as I would have liked, but that's part of my apprenticeship and I will continue to give the

Changes in the air

of the World Cup There are always discussions, offers that can reach you of all levels and in this sense, some fall on the issue of community passport I know that the Danish league has already started, my club knows very well what I think, and if there is no possibility to emigrate, I will keep playing there, "he said. , s, id) {
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