Edison Flores wants to change team and is waiting for a good proposal


Edison Flores knows that after the World Cup he has to move to another more competitive league to be more decisive with the Peruvian national team. The & # 39; Orejas & # 39; have conveyed this concern to his club and are looking forward to a good offer.

" After the World Cup there are always discussions offers that can reach you, of all levels, in this Aspect some fall for the theme of the community passport My league started, you know what is my thinking about the club, I'm here and if it's not given, I'll continue to Denmark playing ", exclaims Flores He could not score in Russia 2018.

Apoya a Carrillo

Andre Carrillo's pass to Al Hilal of Saudi Arabia generated hundreds of comments, but those selected are with "La Culebra". who will go as a loan to Middle East Football.

"In the role of André (Carrillo), he has the support of all, he will have seen aspects that are good to him, always in a decision there are advantages and disadvantages, he will have seen more We know we have entered a World Cup, but it's still our first World Cup after a long time and other countries are taking advantage of us in terms of players, "said the Aalborg player in Denmark

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