EEG: Angie Arizaga Reveals How She Finished With Nicola Porcella | Shows


At the press conference to announce the release of the circus of "Esto es Guerra", Angie Arizaga had no problem talking about his sentimental situation and revealed that she was single.

Angie Arizaga confessed that after his departure and departure, his love affair with Nicola Porcella came to an end. On the subject, the boy of reality still does not pronounce himself. Whoever came back to talk about the subject was the model

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In conversation with a reporter from & # 39; América Espectáculos & # 39 ;, the morocha the end of his relationship with Nicola was on good terms. Arizaga also made it clear that he has no problem with Porcella who goes out with his friends to have fun because his ex-partner "has the right to make a living."

"I'm going to keep him as a trainee, the only thing the public needs to know Nicola and I have finished, and he has the right to make a living, to go out with his friends (… there is nothing wrong with them, they are waiting for a thousand things, there will always be things, they will also say negative things, more importantly what he and I know, we have a lot of respect and affection, is enough, "said the popular" Bold. "

The host of " The Previa " does not speak if she still loves the man who shared his life for over five years and with whom he even had marriage plans, but who said that both of them loved each other very much.

"We both want the best one on the other.I am the truth that I have the peacefull holiday, I am calm and it is calm too, so nothing, no way, "said the relaxed" warrior ", who then said that she has no problem working with Nicola. [19659008] In addition to "Esto es Guerra", Angie Arizaga and Nicola Porcella will continue to be seen in the circus of reality that will premiere this Friday, July 20th.

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