EEG: Paloma Fiuza silenced Facundo González: "Stop talking stupid things" | Shows


Love in the house, the war at work. This is the kind of relationship that the Brazilian Paloma Fiuza and the Brazilian showed Facundo González during the dimes and say that they play in "Esto es Guerra"

Thursday Paloma Fiuza lost the papers with his partner, the "challenger" Facundo González, and ordered him to shut up live. The cameras of EEG showed Argentina very disheveled.

YOU CAN SEE EEG: Michelle Soifer and Christian Domínguez face each other live [VIDEO]

"Stop talking silly things, please," he says Paloma Fiuza visibly upset after seeing how Argentina was arguing with the "warriors" and even with Mathias Brivio.

Fiuza's commentary surprised Facundo live, so the reality guy approached the & # 39; warrior "to ask for explanations. To prevent the problem from getting worse, Patricio Parodi and Melissa Loza had to intervene

At the last issue of "Esto es guerra", there was another moment of tension in the couple. After he called it "turtle", the garota said that Facundo Gonzalez "gets bigger" every time he wins in one of the competitions.

Calm, the expartant of "Combat" she is sure that beyond the love that feels for Argentina, she knew that it was very "heavy". "When I entered the program, he told me that it was heavy, he was on my team because when he lost, he was shouting at me (…) Now that he is in the other team, I have a bug.I like it, I like it, but how thick you are, how heavy, "Paloma said for & # 39; América Espectáculos & # 39;

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