EEG: Patricio Parodi discussed with Ignacio Baladán and ended up being suspended | VIDEO | Shows


The fans are divided. In the latest edition of This Is War, participants met in one of the favorite shows of viewers; that is, the warriors 'knock' out. with two mittens with talc in different parts of the body. In one of the towers, Patricio Parodi and Ignacio Baladán clashed, but failed to complete the test.

In the middle of the competition, Baladan complained of an imprudence of Parodi in the game, the reality guy denied that he was wrong and was asked to show the videos. Realizing that he had really missed, the participant refused to receive the punishment.

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Patricio mentioned that he disagreed with the decision of the production of Esto es Guerra, which determined that he two shots of talc on the face. The young man was angry and kicked a test instrument. His action had bad consequences for him.

"Mr. G" reported that Parodi had been suspended from the EEG and asked the "warrior" to leave the television set, which the candidate did without hesitation.

Nicola Porcella, captain of the Lions, has avoided at any time that the decision will be executed, but could not reach it.

It is not clear exactly how long the punishment imposed on Parodi will last, but this type of behavior is not accepted in reality.

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