"El Chavo del 8": Carlos Villagrán says goodbye to Kiko | Trade | TV | Farándula


Carlos Villagrán Mexican actor who gave life to the arrogant Kiko in the hit series " El Chavo del 8 ", arrived in Peru to play in a circus show to announce that he will definitely say goodbye to the sailor suit.

"I'm 74 years old and I have to say goodbye to not become Kiko decrepit.They will not believe me because I've said it so many times, but this Is the definitive, "said the Mexican artist in an interview with" América Espectáculos. "

" I say goodbye (of the stage) because I am in full powers to continue doing this Kiko dynamic that everyone has a habit of seeing, "he added.

On the possibility of meeting the actors who were part of this Mexican production, Villagrán said that they tried to assemble them, but not everyone was there.

"They tried to gather us, but it seems that Florinda does not want to join the" rabble ". My point of view would be wonderful to see us together at four who were and give them smiles to the public who gave us so much, "said the actor.

  Kiko "title =" Kiko "src =" https://img.elcomercio.pe/files/article_video_image/uploads/2018/07/26/5b59556973581.jpeg "style =" display: inline; "/> [19659007] Carlos Villagrán, actor who played Kiko in" El Chavo del 8 "(Video: América TV) </p>
<p class= He also pointed out that after his retirement from the scene at the end of the year. year, it will enter the catering sector that will open one in Mexico and another in Peru.

The Kiko Circus will take place from July 26 to August 19 at the MegaPlaza shopping center.

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