England vs. Croatia: who is Yuri Cortez, the photographer who went into history with the purpose of Mandzukic [VIDEO] | Trade | World


Whenever you remember the historical purpose of Mandzukic against England whoever got Croatia in his first final of one World Cup in Russia 2018 the name of Yuri Cortez will also be in the center of the stage as it was a other Balkan.

The Juventus striker put the 2-1 to 109 minutes, when it looked like the second runner came out of the penalties. In celebration, a Croatian tide "buried" Cortez an AFP photographer who was in this corner, was taking photos and, despite his experience, did not see what was coming. [19659003] "I did not expect it to happen … I was thinking about changing the camera, the angular lens, because the players were approaching, but I did not imagine that everything the world would come upon me ", [No), which was at the right time and place to go into history.

But who is Yuri Cortez? To begin with, it must be said that it is Salvadoran and 7 years ago it is located in Mexico, so yesterday, in the bustle of England-Croatia and, pushed by the l? immediacy of social networks, the information indicated that Cortez was from the tricolor country. 19659005] England vs. United States Croatia LIVE: Mandzukic's goal for 2-1 in the stretch [VIDEO] (photo: FOX capture) "title =" England vs. Croatia LIVE: Mandzukic's goal for the 2-1 in the extension [VIDEO] (Photo: FOX capture) "src =" https://img.elcomercio.pe/files/article_video_image/uploads/2018/ 07/11 / 5b466b0f94f54.jpeg "style =" display: inline; "/>

At the celebrations 2-1 against England, all Croatian footballers threw themselves on a photojournalist.The Russian semi-finals 2018. (Author: FIFA / Source: DirecTV Sports)

Among his sporting experiences, Yuri Cortez, with the AFP medal in his chest, has covered four World Cups, Olympic Games, America's Cups, Confederations, among other events.

"Something of this nature does not Never happened … In the Confederations Cup in Brazil, I had a very big party when Spain left Italy with penalties (…) but I I have never had to go there and celebrate so strong, so excited, "adds in his account Cortez, who for some Inutos felt like another Croatian.

AFP photographer Yuri Cortez was trapped under a mountain of Croatian players celebrating the goal of 2-1 victory against the # 39; England. which led to the finals of Russia 2018 with France to the Balkan team and "they did not even realize that he was buried there."

Cortez reported that the situation was funny at the Luzhniki Stadium Mario Mandzukic in overtime when the titular players and the Balkan substitutes formed a human pyre under which the photojournalist was left.

"They were very happy and did not even realize that I was trapped there," said Cortez, whose images traveled the world through the TV show.

Once they realized that the photographer was down "they asked me how I was, one of them picked up the defender Domagoj Vida

AFP bureau photographer in Mexico, said that it all started when a corner and then substitutes formed a human pyre with him until finally he could leave without consequences

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