Entel responsibly transforms the country


With four years in the industry and with over 6 million users who have found a disruptive offer to Entel, the telecom company has taken a new step by presenting its second sustainability report. , which summarizes how they managed "Since we arrived in Peru, we are working towards the democratization of telecommunications, proposing disruptive proposals so that more Peruvians can access a mobile network at the cutting edge of technology, with a range of services. value-added data and services, "explains Nino Boggio, Head of Legal, Regulatory and Institutional Relations at Entel

Boggio explains that all the actions implemented in 2017 have resulted in recognitions, such as the badge of 39; Socially responsible enterprise (Peru 2021), to be the telecommunications industry leader in reputation, brand employer, (1965) "As part of this approach, our goal is to continue working to live more connected, helping to transform Peru responsibly," he added. Boggio

At the presentation of the sustainability report 2017, results were presented at the end of last year, in which he pointed out that Entel already had 6 511 079 users, a growth of 36% compared to 2016., the company achieved a market share of 17.8%, higher than the 13.3% of 2016.

Another compromise reached is that users find what they need with the least amount of clicks possible; In this line, the report showed that the growth of Entel application users was 333% in 2017. Similarly, the company closed last year with 714 outlets in the US. national scale.

As far as customer satisfaction is concerned, until 2017, Entel exceeded the competition by 36%

in the people segment, and up to 38% in the business segment .

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