Ephemeris: What happened on July 29? | History | Culture


On July 29, but from 1958, 60 years ago, US President Dwight Eisenhower signed the act of creating NASA in response to the launch of the Soviet Sputnik satellite in October 1957. In the middle of the Cold War, the Soviet exploit engendered USA the fear of losing its technological leadership acquired after the Second World War.

Other ephemeris:

1525 .- Adelantado Rodrigo de Bastidas founds the city of Santa Marta, in the present territory of Colombia.

1824.- Alejandro Dumas Jr., French writer born.

1836.- Inauguration of the Arc de Triomphe in Paris. 19659003] 1841.- Gerard Hansen, Norwegian botanist and physician born

1856.- Signature in Asunción of a treaty of friendship and navigation between the Argentine Confederation and the Republic of Paraguay.

– Robert Schumann, German composer dies

188 3.- Birth of Benito Mussolini, Italian dictator

1890.- Death of Vincent Van Gogh, Dutch painter

1899.- Signature of the l & # 39; Hague Agreement by which all European countries undertake not to use asphyxiating gases in wars

1900.- The anarchist Breci murders in Monza the king of Italy Humberto I, to whom Victor Manuel III .

1904.- Breakage of diplomatic relations between France and the Vatican for the prohibition of religious congregations to teach in French territory.

1907.- British Colonel Robert Baden-Powell founds "scouts".

1921.- Hitler unanimously elected Assembly of NSDAP held in Munich, first president of the party

1925.- Mikis Theodorakis, born Greek musician

1957.- Ricardo Rojas, Argentine writer, deceased

1960. – NASA publishes the "Apollo Project". 59003] 1975.- The OAS repeals the blockade imposed on Cuba in 1964.

1979.- Herbert Marcuse, German philosopher, dies

1981.- Marriage of Prince Charles of England with Diana Spencer

1983.- Death of Luis Buñuel, Spanish filmmaker.

– David Niven, British actor dies.

1987.- The British Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher, and the President of the French Republic, François Mitterrand, sign in Paris the agreement for the construction of a Channel Tunnel, which will link the Grande Britain to France

1990.- First multiparty elections in Mongolia

– Death of Bruno Kreisky, former Chancellor of Austria. [1965-993] 1998.- Death of Jorge Pacheco Areco, former President of Uruguay

2000.- The President of Peru, Alberto Fujimori, swears his third consecutive term in Parliament, with demonstrations in the street for alleged electoral fraud.

– René Favaloro, Argentine surgeon, dies, inventor of the "by-pass".

2001.- The Colombian football team wins the Copa America for the first time in its history.

2004.- The audit office of IMF admits that supported the "inadequate policies" in Argentina, which led the country to its biggest crisis in 2001 and to the largest suspension payments to the world.

– Ahmed Galfan Ghailani, a member of al-Qaida, one of the most wanted terrorists, is detained in Pakistan by FBI .

2007.- Former Peruvian President Alberto Fujimori attends senatorial elections in Japan where the hegemonic PLD is defeated for the first time. 19659003] 2008.- The American scientist Bruce Ivins, suspected of being the author of the 2001 anthrax attacks in which five people died, committed suicide

2009. – Gayatri Devi, the last Mahayana of Jaipur (India), dies.

2015.- Confirm that the leader of the Taliban, the mul

(Source: EFE )

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