Ernesto Pimentel will be the & # 39; Lady K & # 39; – Diario Expreso


Ernesto Pimentel is still embarking on a new production. This time, it is the series "Back to the Quarter", where he will give life to "Kandelaria", the grandmother of "Flor Margarita" (Carolina Cano), who will arrive and surprise everyone with his words of d & # 39; mind. "I was flattered when they called me to play the character of" Kandelaria ", everyone knows that I like to play and what better to play in the world. one of the most watched series in the country.My character is very witty and funny, so they will have a lot of fun.It is a luxury to work with a great team of actors, i will enjoy of each scene I have to record, I will be the grandmother of "Flor Margarita", but I will also interact with all the characters, who will affectionately call me "Señora K", said Pimentel [19659002] On the other hand, she expressed her gratitude after her inauguration last Thursday.Circus of "La Chola Chabuca", which had a total crowd.

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