Esther Grande of Bentín clarifies rumors of possible closure and violation of Sport Boys | Sports | Peruvian Football


The president of Esther Gran de Bentín (EGB), Jaime Noriega, made an official statement about the situation that this formative football club is going through and about the breach of contract by Sport Boys .

For starters, the EGB Academy will not close, but it will suffer from being unable to participate in minor tournaments (FPF Cup, Federation Cup) until the end of l & # 39; year. Jaime Noriega explains everything.

"We received a letter from Sport Boys which broke the contract unilaterally and we were left in the air. 5 years old which was signed in February EGB provided the infrastructure, all his technical command and all his players, the boys gave us the name to access the Centennial Tournament and the possibility for the boys to make a reservation "Ovación

" We had meetings, we are reached agreements and a monthly figure was established in February and March, they were unable to comply and they let us know that they could not continue the project because they had financial problems "he added.

Noriega indicates the repercussion this will have on the players of the academy, at least until the end of the year.

"The schools will continue, but the competitive part will not be, the players must return to the EGB, but they will not be able to play this year because the rules say that they can only play for one club a year from the Centennial Tournament, "he said.

In another moment, Noriega was ironic with the attitude of Sport Boys although he ensured that the pink club would pay its accumulated debt until July. .

"What I do not know It was clear that it was 2 months ago if it was part of the budget and now why not more.The agreement was not to break the budget. agreement until the end of the year to protect the children but unfortunately we received a letter which they were only responsible for in July They recognized the debt of april to July, and I have not been able to communicate with them to try to reconsider, "he concluded.

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