Estrella Torres celebrates her birthday and Thamara Gómez celebrates her birthday


The singer of "Puro Sentimiento & # 39; celebrates 21 years

Happy birthday! The singer Estrella Torres celebrates her fourth birthday on July 4th. Through Instagram the member of 'Puro Sentimiento & # 39; shared a video of his previous ones for this big day.

Very early, Estrella received innumerable displays of affection through his social networks. Her friend and orchestra partner Thamara Gómez was present with a tender message.

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 Estrella Torres and Thamara Gómez ]

"Happy Birthday, Estrellín, Estrellín, God Fulfills You Many Girl Blessings (Laughter) Later We See Us TKM ", published Thamara on the aforementioned social network. The picture has over 3,000 likes and hundreds of comments.

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And that is Estrella and Thamara are friends for years. Both started their musical career in the orchestra "Corazón Serrano". Today, they are part of the "Pure Feeling" group.

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