EU and China analyze "doing the passes" in the trade war


Chinese and American authorities discussed the prospect of resuming talks on trade between the two countries after President Donald Trump increased the pressure by announcing a new series of tariffs .

After the United States released a list of Chinese imports worth $ 200 billion that could be subject to higher taxes, the Chinese Vice Minister of Commerce, Wang Shouwen stated that "When we have a commercial problem, we should talk about it."

Although the statement was made in the context of new threats of retribution from Beijing, it coincides with some willingness of the Trump team to resume high-level talks, according to a person familiar with the line of government thinking.

Communications between top government officials Trump and Xi have faded since the end of a third round of formal negotiations, with little indication of an agreement in early June.

The United States put in place a plan to impose 25% tariffs on more than $ 30 billion worth of Chinese goods last week, which provoked similar reprisals from Beijing.

"We should sit down and try to find a solution to this business problem," Wang said in an interview with Bloomberg Wednesday in Geneva.

Washington and Beijing now have seven weeks to reach an agreement or enter a trade war that could disrupt corporate supply chains and raise prices for consumers around the world.

US duties on $ 200 billion worth of Chinese goods are expected to come into effect after August 30 or, once the Trump government consultation process is complete.

"China has repeatedly said that the principle of negotiation is to honor the word itself.As far as I know, the parties have not contacted each other to resume the talks," ] Gao Feng spokesman of the Ministry of Commerce, at a press conference

"We do not want a trade war. We are not afraid of it and we will free it if we are forced to do it. "

" When two governments arrive at this kind of situation, even if they are fighting on the official front, it is very important that there is something behind declaring that a ceasefire the fire has reached a certain point, "he said Wednesday Rufus Yerxa chairman of the National Council of Foreign Trade, during a TV interview of Bloomberg

". on both sides will recognize – they are positioning themselves for the final game ".

Although there are no formal discussions planned, dialogue between the two countries continues among lower level bureaucrats, according to people familiar with the subject.

President Trump imposed tariffs on Chinese products, but continued to emphasize his personal friendship with Chinese President Xi Jinping.

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