Eurnekian sells 25% of the company that controls the airports in Italy to the Dubai fund


Corporación América Airports, operator of the airport of Eduardo Eurnekian, has sold 25% of its Italian company Corporación America Italia SpA (CAI), which controls two airports of this country since 2014, to the fund Investment Corporation of Dubai (ICD), the main investment arm of the Dubai government, owns, among many other companies, Emirates Airlines. The amount of the transaction, which will be completed on August 31, has not been disclosed.

In addition, Corporación América signed an agreement with ICD "to jointly explore new airport opportunities in Italy, Eastern Europe (without Russia) and the Middle East," the company reported. Argentina. Together, they will look for new airport activities, based on CAI's experience in this sector and on the financial support of the DCI.

"We have not yet defined the opportunities we will be looking for together, but an IDC fund will choose us.That means you consider us a good manager in this sector, not only do you get into our project in Italy, because you see the value of this activity, but you join us for new opportunities, "said Martin Eurnekian, CEO of Corporación.America Airports, in dialogue with El Cronista. 39, an emerging country that we are also in developed countries, because we can apply our knowledge for these markets to develop as emerging markets, "he adds

CAI already controls Tuscany Aeroporti SpA (TA) to the Stock Exchange and holds the concessions of the airports of Florence and Pisa in Italy, which she manages.From her initial public offering in February 2018, Corporación América Airports has bought a participating an additional 11% in TA, thus increasing from 51% to 62%. When I will have finished the operation, I will have 75% of CAI, as reported.

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The Eurnekian company invests 300 million euros in the airports of Florence and Pisa. In the first, it will be "the first new track in Italy after the Second World War, to improve Florence as a destination, it has 2.5 million passengers, when we finish the work, the terminal will double its capacity. , which can only be used in one direction, with the newer larger planes, with more passengers and more distant destinations, across Europe, the Middle East and Russia, will be able to reach the terminal of Pisa 50%, commented Enruecan.On the whole of the expansion, Eurnekian explains that it is 'open to Italy, Europe' s. East and Middle East, but does not include Latin America, "he says, where the company will continue to grow to the present. new concessions deals in Brazil.

The executive has clarified that this deal abroad goes beyond the difficult conjo "Since 2002, we have a policy of looking for opportunities, our region is volatile, but we always bet, we have a vision of long-term growth and Latin America has a lot of potential" , he said.

"The CEO of Dubai Investment Corporation said," The partnership with CAAP offers exciting opportunities for collaboration with a world-class infrastructure investor and operator in new markets, in line with the strategy of diversification of our portfolio ". "The purchase of shares in CAI strengthens the association, while giving access to ICD at Toscana Aeroporti, an established airport group with good performance in a mature economy with potential for development", was -he adds.

companies in various sectors, such as finance, transportation, energy and industry, real estate and recreation and retail, among others.

The airport Corporación América is the largest private airport operator in the world. the 10th largest according to passenger traffic. Operates 52 airports in seven countries in Latin America and Europe (Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, Peru, Ecuador, Armenia and Italy). In 2017, it served 76.6 million passengers. Since February, it has traded on the New York Stock Exchange, where stocks rose 10.3% to 11.67 USD yesterday, but fell to 11.31 USD and were higher by 6 % to 11.31 USD. pre-closing

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