Evo Morales says that Unasur & # 39; is in crisis & # 39;


La Paz, Bolivia

Union of South American Nations (Unasur) is in crisis, said today the president of Bolivia Evo Morales who holds the rotating presidency of the bloc, of which six countries suspended their participation last April.

"I am really sorry to tell you that Usasur is in crisis," the Bolivian president said in a press release in La Paz. meeting with the elected president of Paraguay Mario Abdo .

Bolivia has set the goal of unblocking its operation of the union during its term.

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The Chilean Minister of Foreign Affairs, Roberto Ampuero also affirmed last April that Unasur "leads to nothing, it does not help integration and is not capable of solving problems."

Tan to Morales as Huanacuni had announced meetings and conversations with the six critical countries to unblock the appointment of a secretary general, although no progress has been made.

The Bolivian President, in his statement on Thursday, assured that with his future Paraguayan colleague they agreed on how to "fortify" Unasur, without giving further details [19659004] "Personally I want the integration of some continents as Europe as Africa Asia and we must have the ability to progress in these systems. integration, "said Morales.

Unasur, whose seat is at Quito and created under the impetus of the late Venezuelan president Hugo Chávez is composed of 14 nations, including six, the largest economies in the region, have suspended their participation.

The elected Paraguayan president said he invited Morales to the ceremony in which he will be inaugurated as president on the 15th of this month.

Abdo and Morales also spoke of several issues, such as the use of the Paraná waterway, Paraguay and an international route of integration.

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