Exguerrilla FARC opens in Colombia Congress dominated by the right


Bogotá, Colombia

The FARC began this Friday in the Colombian Congress which dominates the right wing of the elected president Iván Duque opponent of the peace agreement that ended half a century of armed struggle of the former communist guerrilla.

"Here are, for the first time, five senators and five representatives of the party Fuerza Alternativa Revolucionaria del Comun, born of the demobilization and disarmament of the FARC", declared the outgoing president Juan Manuel Santos during of the establishment of the parliament that will legislate for the next four years

"Congressmen of the FARC: now that they have laid down their arms, now who have agreed to contribute to the truth and to benefit from justice transitional, now that they have vowed to respect our Constitution and the standards and principles of our republic: welcome to this temple of democracy! "Among the possessions were the rebel leaders Carlos Antonio Lozada and Pablo Catatumbo, and two women: Victoria Sandino and Sandra Ramírez, companion of the late founder and commander-in-chief of FARC, Manuel Marulanda (Tirofijo)

"We will remember this day e in history as that in which the common people arrived with the men and women of @FARC_EPueblo in Congress, "wrote on Twitter the leader of the former guerrilla Rodrigo Londoño (Tymoshenko)

The former chief negotiator, Iván Márquez, He took possession arguing of the "disfigurement" of the agreement and in solidarity with his comrade Jesus Santrich, prisoner in Bogotá and requested extradition by the states United States for drug trafficking. Byron Yepes refused to assume his position alleging health problems.

Márquez would go to the Senate and Santrich and Yepes to the House of Representatives. The three have received accreditations as members of Congress, but the future of their seats has not yet been defined.

The former guerrilla attended the Capitol with placards titled "Convergence for Hope", in reference to the newly formed alliance of Left and Center in the Congress supporters of peace.

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"Peace opens up possibilities of alternative voices to reach the Congress of the Republic, "said Lozada. The excomising said that as a result of this union, 14 legislative initiatives were implemented to implement the signed improvements and in favor of social improvements

Care for Peace

Santos asks Congress to protect the pact of peace last year, he disarmed 7,000 fighters and prevented 3,000 deaths. In addition, he considered it as "the most diversified" and "plural" of two centuries of republican life in Colombia, which celebrates this Friday the 208 years of independence

"Take care of the peace that is born! …) This is the most valuable thing that a nation can have, "said the president, who will step down on Aug. 7.

The President called before Duque's intention to use the right-wing majority in Congress to "correct" what was signed with the rebels and leave in to see the reforms established in the law. agreement.

"The word committed is not that of Juan Manuel Santos (…) the word committed is the Colombian state," he said.

From 280 seats in both houses, the new ruling party has 143 seats, while center-right parties who have not defined themselves as independent or related to the government in have 91. The left and center opposition, including the FARC, adds 46.

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The new president's bloc is divided between the opponents of the pact and the legislators who supported it at the time

– [19659003TheinsurgentsreceivedacoldwelcomefromtheDemocraticCenterthepartyofDuqueandledbythepopularex-presidentandsenator Álvaro Uribe a fierce opponent of Santos and the one signed in November. "I do not feel comfortable with them in Congress," said MP María Fernanda Cabal

. In plenary, Uribe, the most voted in the legislative elections in March, was sitting a few meters away. the former guerrillas, who during his presidency (2002-10) fought with a heavy hand.

Surrounded by his bench in the Senate, the largest with 19 lawmakers, the former president has traced a series of messages in opposition to the rebels.

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"Congress with people convicted of atrocious crimes, without reparation of the victims, without symbolic and inadequate sanctions ", he wrote on Twitter

Duque, a political kidnapper of Uribe, promises to modify the agreement with what was the most powerful guerrilla in America after four years of negotiations in Cuba because he feels that he is indulgent with ex-combatants.

Elected officials oppose veterans accused of serious crimes participating in political life without first paying a minimum sentence of imprisonment. It also rejects the justice system of the agreement to try former guerrillas and soldiers for crimes committed during the internal war.

The Colombian armed conflict has claimed more than eight million lives in half a century of clashes between guerrillas and paramilitaries. . ELN rebels, who negotiate peace, are still active in the country

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