Fabio Agostini in the style of "Bella ciao" tells Rafael Cardozo that Brazil was eliminated [VIDEO]


06 July 2018 22:15 pm.

In the latest show of the reality show "Esto es guerra", the "challenger" Fabio Agostini & # 39; the rubbed & # 39; against the Brazilian Rafael Cardozo the elimination of his selection of the world.

Fabio Agostini sang his version of the song "Bella ciao" popularized by "The paper house", accompanied by all the "challengers".

"I want to sing a song to my friend Rafael Cardozo, since Brazil lost and was eliminated from the World Cup and made fun of everyone, from Spain because & ## 39, he has lost since Uruguay, and so I will dedicate a song to you, "says Agostini to start singing to the Brazilian.

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