Facebook approves $ 10 million a year to protect Zuckerberg | Trade | Technology and science | Social networks


Mark Zuckerberg, as CEO of Facebook and his family, will receive a US $ 10 million grant from the company to invest in their security. This was announced by the social network Thursday in a statement, reports the network "CNBC".

The new quota for the safety of the Zuckerberg exceeds that approved last year in just over 30 percent. In 2017, Facebook spent $ 7.3 million for the protection of its leader and family. But this period is intended to extend the precautions.

"This allocation will be added to the ongoing funding of Mr. Zuckerberg's general security program to cover the costs of security personnel for their protection, acquisition, installation and maintenance of certain security measures necessary for their security. residences, and the use of privacy in the aircraft for personal travel, "said the company in its statement.

To estimate the amounts allocated, the board of directors of the network Social took into account the position and importance of Zuckerberg for Facebook ", as well as the salary that he received during the past year, which was only about 1 US dollar and nothing else.

"The Committee considers that this allocation, the costs of the existing general safety program of Mr. Zuckerberg are appropriate and necessary in the circumstances," he declared Facebook which justifies the 39, increase that had since 2015, when

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The head of operations of Facebook Sheryl Sandberg, also has an allowance to cover security spending that was approved at US $ 2.7 million.

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