Facebook Messenger will alert you when you receive "fake messages" | Trade | Technology and science | Social networks


Facebook has confirmed that it is testing a technology to verify the authenticity of messages that arrive via the Messenger service, informs the site "Engadget" by quoting a report "Motherboard". Thus, the user can be sure that the message that he has received comes from who he thinks he is.

When he receives a message, the user can also see a warning of his sender create the account recently, if the person uses Messenger without account of Facebook associated, the country where your phone number is saved and the account shares a name similar to that of a real contact on the social network.

These types of warnings will be common in messages from people who have not recently discussed on Facebook Messenger and unconnected user messages. This is to avoid identity fraud of subjects who use a name similar to that of a friend on this platform.

The social network said "Engadget" that the proof of this system is that another effort of the company to fight against the usurpation of identity and scams that occur in Facebook Messenger. This is also a way of facilitating disappointment reports in these cases.

"We are testing a new feature that gives people more context about a person with whom they have not connected before," the spokesman wrote. "This context will allow them to make a more informed decision about whether they want to send messages to that person or not."

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