Facebook opens a branch in China to operate despite the restriction | Trade | Technology and science | Social networks


After years of attempts, conversations and flirtations, Facebook seems to have found a way to operate in China. The social network has established a subsidiary in the Asian country with an investment of $ 30 million, reports the Reuters news agency.

Facebook Technology (Hangzhou) Limited is registered in Hangzhou. His job will be to create networking technologies, investment advice and advertising campaigns. In this way, he will work in China without being affected by the blockages of his government, in the same way as companies like Apple and Google.

China has the Golden Shield Project. This measure monitors the activities of Internet users in this country and blocks foreign platforms that might attempt to counter "confidentiality" in the Chinese network. Added to this is the demand of the Chinese government to respond to their requests or not to operate on their market.

According to "New York Post", the existence of more shareholders of the company is unknown Facebook Technology (Hangzhou) Limited. Your advertisement in China's National Commercial Credit Information System only specifies what it will work on. This makes it difficult to determine what restrictions the social network will accept and whether this movement will be sufficient to deliver its services.

Numbers to Convince

China is the second most important world market for Facebook only after the United States. Despite being censored, 10 percent of its global profits come from this country (about $ 5 billion). It may be for this reason that Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of the social network, has traveled to China to try to establish good relations with his governors, even Mandarin.

This income came from people who did not necessarily want Chinese. Weiser, the author of the report that calculated these estimates. Up to 1500 million have been generated by application developers, commercial pages and smartphone manufacturers looking for customers worldwide.

Although Facebook does not do anything now, it is possible that never again can I do it. The tariff war between Trump against China must be added that the social network was already involved in a criticism against this country for giving user information to companies like Huawei, although according to the social network told the BBC that did not mean a breach of the trust of anyone.

The Data

For Google to operate in China, it opened an R & D lab. Apple, for its part, censors content and applications in its App Store. While Microsoft has been accused of blocking the content to be able to work "quietly".

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