Facebook: "Puppy" saves mountaineer's life after falling into the abyss in the United States | PHOTO | | trends


The Mountaineer Britanny Fidell fell from a chasm 100 meters high when she climbed Mount St. Helens to Washington United States. However, thanks to the good company of his "puppy" this prevented him from sinking into shock after a tragedy.

The woman counted in her Facebook account how the dog had saved her life, after the serious injuries sustained after falling from high-rise. In addition, he suffered a fractured hip, rib, and part of the spine.

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"He ran into the snow immediately and once that's up. he came to me, he started to lick my face and the blood from my hands He stayed by my side all the time! ", wrote the 32-year-old girl on Facebook. his injuries sustained after the fall of high altitude.

In addition to suffering injuries, Brittany had a concussion and deep lacerations, however, after the licks of "Indy's", the Pastor German helped a lot in the recovery of his owner, since the dog was with her, while he was recovering at the hospital.

Facebook users commented the great desire to have a dog similar to the pet Britanny Fidell because in a tragic situation, they would like to have the good company of a loved one, especially if it is the best friend of the man.

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