Facebook: rejected by 80 thousand women, but still hopes to find a woman | Video | Viral | Fb | trends


Niu Xiangfeng 31 years old, became famous after his story traveled around the world via Facebook. And the man claims to have been rejected by more than 80,000 women in the past eight years.

It all started when Niu's father died of cancer. From that moment on, the purpose of his life was, obsessively, to marry and form a family.

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residing in China, he lined the city of Beijing with posters with his photo and links to his accounts in social networks such as Facebook and Twitter. In addition, according to the ABC of Spain in an interview, opened accounts on sites specializing in the search for a partner, even placed ads in newspapers and magazines, but nothing is wrong. Is proven.


Tall and handsome and I am ugly and short. They also pay attention to money, they want a man who has his own home and this is not my case, "Niu Xiangfeng told the newspaper," Immediately his story became viral ]

The Chinese citizen also said that according to their own records, already has about 80 000 releases of which 60 000 are social networks and the other 20 000 in person.In spite of this, he said that he has not lost hope and hopes to find a woman to marry.  Chinese



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