Facebook: Ukrainian fans complain to FIFA for sanctioning a member of the coaching staff of Croatia | Trade | World


Ukrainian fans flooded the Facebook page of the FIFA with over 158,000 comments, most of which read "Glory to Ukraine", from After a member of the body The Croatian coach was sanctioned for posting a video that contained the same slogan.

FIFA sanctioned Ognjen Vukojevic with 15,000 Swiss francs (about $ 15,000) and a warning after he and Croatian defender Domagoj Vida published the video "Glory to Ukraine" on social media on Saturday. after the triumph of the Balkan selection over Russia in the quarterfinals of the World Cup.

After the publication that became viral in social networks as Facebook Vukojevic and Vida denied any political background, although the former was in line with the decision taken by the Croatian Federation of avoid distracting the team's participation in the semi-finals. [1] 9659004] Ognjen Vukojevic and Domagoj Vida dedicated the triumph to the Ukrainians. (Photo: capture) "title =" Ognjen Vukojevic and Domagoj Vida have dedicated the triumph to the Ukrainians. (Photo: capture) "src =" https://img.elcomercio.pe/files/article_video_image/uploads/2018/07/10/5b44cd800d9fb.jpeg "style =" display: inline; "/>

Ognjen Vukojevic and Domagoj Vida gave the victory to the Ukrainians. (Photo: capture)

Vukojevic, former football player, and Vida played in the Ukrainian Dynamo club in Kiev, l '. The most followed and popular team of this country, which also represents the political struggle of the Ukrainian people in Moscow

On Wednesday, the Croatian Football Federation fired Vukojevic from the team of coaches who will play in half -final of the 2018 World Cup. The former player worked as a videographer.

Relations between Ukraine and Russia, host of the World Cup, remain tense after the annexation of the Crimean Peninsula in 2014 and Moscow's support to the pro-Russian insurgents in the Ukrainian East.

of Facebook of FIFA had more than 157,000 user comments that included the phrase "Glory to Ukraine! Some added Glory to Croatia! And what a shame for FIFA! "

FIFA did not immediately comment on the publications.
" Supporting Russia means supporting annexation and military aggression. "

What a shame!" user under the name Vadim Ermilow

"Please answer my question: why a football player can not express on what is happening in the world?" said Oleg Nazarov, another user. He has qualified for the World Cup

Ukrainian football leaders and some politicians have expressed their support for Vukojevic, who, according to FIFA, apologized on Monday for the release of the video.

"Glory to Ukraine" commonly used in Ukraine and should not be construed as an act of aggression or provocation, "said the Ukrainian Football Federation there a few days

Croatia will face England in the World Cup semi-finals on Wednesday in Moscow. 19659017] (Source: Reuters)

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