Facebook viral: Father and daughter give a bike and clothes to a girl who sells fruit in the street [FOTOS] | Photo 1 of 5 | Social networks | Facebook


With good heart. A father and his daughter are the protagonists of this viral video of Facebook that has displaced thousands of people. The family decided to give a bike and warm clothes to a girl who sells fruit in the streets.

The video of Facebook indicates that the event occurred in Bolivia. In the clip, you can see that the little shopkeeper is approached with surprise by these people of big heart.

The girl is alone selling her produce on the floor and the father asks if his mother is about to arrive. The merchant indicates that "yes, she is coming". Then the girl comes to give him a coat. The Facebook video was shared by social network users.

The saleswoman puts on her new coat and is surprised by another gift. "Here, it's for you," says the father and gives him a colorful bike in perfect condition. The girl, obviously surprised, can say "thank you very much!"

Users of Facebook praised the gesture of the father and daughter with the most affectionate messages. "Good example for your girl", "you must give to the underprivileged", "you must always teach by example", are some of the comments of the viral clip.

The publication of Facebook indicates that the man who appears in the clip named Cusicanqui and was recorded in a street in La Paz in Bolivia. The virus comes from the page "El tio kusillo", which usually publishes videos of the mountainous country.

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