Facebook viral: FIFA commented on the statues of Ricardo Gareca and Paolo Guerrero that generate the controversy | Photo 1 of 4 | Selection of Peru football


The statues of the Argentine technician Ricardo Gareca and the marker of the Peruvian selection Paolo Guerrero in the district of San Miguel still speak. Until the same FIFA was pronounced by Facebook on the works that generated a debate among the citizens.

The position of the highest body of football was favorable for the sculptures of the two protagonists of the bicolor at the 2018 World Cup in Russia

"After leading the Peruvian national team in his first World Cup since 1982, the coach Ricardo Gareca and the captain Paolo Guerrero were immortalized with a statue in Lima "

The reaction of the international press to the statues by Gareca and Guerrero in Lima [FOTOS]

Various international media have also highlighted the news on their portals, especially in Argentina. For example, 'El Día & # 39; La Plata called the sculptures a football madness.

Peruvian team: they ask Ricardo Gareca to continue in the bicolor with the emotional video

  Peruvian team: they ask Ricardo Gareca not to leave with the emotional video

Selection Peruvian: They ask Ricardo Gareca not to leave with an emotional video (Andres Yrey)

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