Facebook viral: See the best postcards of the photographer who was crushed by the celebration of Croatia [FOTOS y VIDEO] Trade | World


Yuri Cortez, photographer of Salvadoran origin, ended up being the protagonist of one of the funniest and most touching anecdotes of World Russia 2018 . Croatia went to the World Cup final for the first time in its history thanks to the goal scored by Mario Mandzukic and this photographer was involved in an unusual way . The particular incident became viral in Facebook

Yuri Cortez works for the agency AFP and was the protagonist of the most curious postcards of the celebration of Croatia in his pass to the finals of the World Cup. The images provoke a fury in Facebook Twitter and more social networks.

Mario Mandzukic scored the goal and ran to celebrate, at a careful distance from the photographers. However, his euphoric companions ran to celebrate with "Super Mario". and ended up crushing the photographer Yuri Cortez . The curious images spread in Facebook .

Yuri Cortez very well took the "accident" and continued to take pictures with half of the Croatian team at the top. The players realized that they were on Cortez and started starting little by little and asked him if he was okay. The unusual fact was recorded for posterity and is viral in Facebook.

The photographer managed to get up and received a kiss from Domagoj Vida, who aroused the admiration of the world for the good gesture of the Balkan player.

The Salvadoran was questioned about the "meeting" that he had with the Croatian national team. "At that moment I took the picture, they were very close and I took out the angular lens, they started to push themselves, they got closer and the chair where she had come down", says Yuri Cortez . "I always took pictures, I took pictures of me," says the photographer whose images became viral to Facebook .

Yuri Cortez was questioned about the kiss that he received from Vida and said that "it surprised him". "They asked me if I was fine," said the reporter, who became viral at Facebook .