Facebook viral: teens take to "another level" the popular game of chairs | video | United States | children's game | young people | trends


Facebook is the center of a new viral in which is seen a couple of teenagers Americans leading to "another level" the play of musical chairs . One of them does not want to lose the competition, so he tears off the seat of his friend and runs away to avoid being hit and winning the first place.

Facebook's viral video was recorded in the youth college near Buffalo, New York . The clip shows the end of the game of musical chairs, in which a woman and a man were left as survivors, then they revolve around the object without knowing that something "tragic" would happen.

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When the music stopped, the woman was the first to sit down, while he was pulling the chair and taking the Il brought him to a corner of the room, but his surprise was great because when he felt at it, He slipped and fell to the ground.

The chair flew to the other end of the room, so the boy ran, and took it, behind him was the teenager who n '# 39; did not give up.

In this pursuit by the president the teenager fell again, which generated the laughter of his companions and his opponent who was at the other end of the hall sat and crowned as the winner of this series of musical chairs.

The video went viral on Facebook generating 2800 reactions, 9300 times shared and 1000 comments from users who had fun with this clip.

We leave you the viral video of Facebook that provoked fury in social networks. Have fun!

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