Facebook viral: young man faces a snake and an unexpected end occurs | Face | FB | Viral | trends


When it comes to creativity, there is no one who can beat the Peruvian. On this occasion, a young man became famous on social networks, especially on Facebook, after being registered facing a leash, as if it were a snake.

There is not much information on this particular viral, since the Facebook page did not give much details of the video the only thing that is put in the description is that the boy is a "Peruvian talent" that must be supported by his creativity.

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As you can see in the video, which has more than 142,000 views on Facebook, the young man is wearing a kind skirt and uses a tube of toothpaste to 'enchant' & # 39; this bracelet, which moves as if it was a snake .

The curious thing about the video, which has been shared by thousands on Facebook, is that the music that can be heard in the background is Despacito the song of Luis Fonsi who let off steam He made several recordings and is currently the most read video clip on YouTube.

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