Facebook will be sued for the recent fall of its shares | Mark Zuckerberg | social networks | World


Facebook and its CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, have both been prosecuted as a result of the huge fall that has marked the company this week. As you remember, the gigantic social network came to report the loss of revenue until 120,000 million dollars .

This undoubtedly disturbed more than one entrepreneur and it is because of this, one of them, as is James Kacouris who decided to make the claim in a federal court in Manhattan. In this charge, the accused against the social network, its creator and the financial director David Wehner .

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Kacouris emphasizes them as the protagonists to make misleading statements or not to say exactly what s & # 39 passed with slower growth in their earnings lower operating margins and fewer active users.

The shareholder indicated that the current market was "impacted", after last Wednesday we really know what was going on with the company. In addition, he said that the 19% drop in shares of Facebook a day later was due to violations of the federal securities law fixing it.

This measure is intended to become a class action suit that requires non-detailed compensation. In United States it is common for shareholders to sue companies after unexpected drops in the price of the stock, especially if the loss of value is as important as in this case.

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