In an effort to prevent children under the age of 13 from accessing the social network, Facebook brought some changes to its age policies . The change will also affect Instagram as reported by the portal TechCrunch .

Henceforth, the moderators of the two platforms will block accounts which are suspected that they belong to users who do not respect the established minimum age. Previously, the company only investigated the reported profiles and acted until it had a confirmation of non-compliance.

A Facebook spokesperson reported that the system already allowed them to block any suspicious account even though they had no precedent. d & # 39; offenses. Suspicion will be enough to block access to the child.

If the blocked user complies with the established norms, he has the opportunity to send an official identity document with a photograph issued by the Government of his country. When it is verified that his age is in accordance with the policies, it will be possible to recover the account.

So far, we do not know the impact that this change will have on the number of active users on both platforms, because of course there are a lot of miners who are at their age to obtain the registration. All this despite the fact that Facebook has lost its popularity among young people a situation contrary to what Instagram lives.

Just on July 16, the company had confirmed that high-profile pages and political groups should go through a second review process. A day later, they expanded these movements to identify users who do not meet the age requirements. This means that of the current month will start searching for suspicious profiles .

In the United States, the minimum age for registration is 13 years because in which minors may already benefit from the Privacy Act of the United States. children online, which must be respected by any company that gets information from its users.

The contrasts

All these movements contrast with Messenger Kids a Facebook initiative to minors between 6 and 12 years can use the courier service with their parents. The application is not available worldwide, however, it has spread to several territories in recent months, including Canada and Mexico.