Facebook will give the option to silence keywords to users | FB | social networks | Technology


Facebook continues to update its platform and last week introduced a new option, which will be of great help in the fight against spoilers still hated . With this, users will not be afraid to browse the social network and find unpleasant content that will ruin their favorite shows or movies.

According to a British portal, this new feature will give users the ability to silence, for at least 30 days, certain keywords or phrases that are published in Facebook . In other words, if a user silences the word "Game of Thrones", he will stop seeing the publications of his contacts where appears the name of the famous series HBO.

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According to his own social network this tool will allow users to focus only on "things that matter really".

Now it is only available for a limited number of users. In addition, keywords or phrases that have been silenced will still appear in advertisements .

"Have you ever read a spoiler before seeing the last chapter of the season? Or maybe you have waited years to see the sequel of a movie and your favorite blogger has revealed the end? This has happened to all of us.To prevent future headaches, we start to test the following tool news flow controls: the button 'Snooze', announced Facebook in a post

This new feature is similar to the one that launched the social network last year and that allowed the user to silence certain notifications. users, pages or groups. Facebook is not the only one to allow this type of blocking, because Twitter and Instagram do it too, especially to avoid online harassment situations. [19659010] You might be interested

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